1.     Prepare your images – choose and size them

2.     Create a Gallery

3.     Upload images from your system

4.     Add images from your Image Library


  • Resize images in whatever software program you use.
  • Image Size:
    • The width cannot be larger than 3840 pixels.
    • The height cannot be larger than 2160 pixels.
    • Each image can be no larger than 10MB.

Note: If the images will be used in competition, then we recommend that you save the images using the size constraints of the competitions.  Competition images can be no larger than 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels high.

  • We recommend that the image be saved in sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and that the profile be included in the JPEG file.
  • Save images in jpeg format to the folder on your desktop.



  1. Login to website with your login name and password
  2. Click on My Account > My Galleries
  3. Find the Gallery Titled “Member Galleries” and click the Expand button to its right.
  4.  If you have a Gallery folder already, click on “Add New Gallery” next to your name.  If you do not have a Gallery Folder, click on “Add New Gallery” next to “Member Galleries”.  When administrator approves the gallery, the administrator will create the correct folder structure for you and move your gallery into that folder.
  5. Type in a Title for the new gallery
  6. Check your Gallery Visibility choice

Private:  For your eyes only
Organization: once approved by an administrator, your images will be visible to club members only
Public: once approved by an administrator, your images will be visible to anyone who visits the SMCC website

  1. Under Description, insert a general description of your gallery
  2. Click on Update Gallery Options


Add images to your gallery

After the gallery is created, you need to add images to the gallery.  You can directly upload images from your system or you can add images that are in your Image Library


a.      Login to the website with your login name and password

b.     Click on My Account -> My Galleries

c.      Find the gallery you created. It may be directly under Member Galleries or it will be under your folder

d.     Click on Edit and Upload Images

e.      Click on Upload Images into this Gallery

f.        Click on Select

g.      Find and select the images that you want to upload into the gallery.  Hold down the Cmd or Cntl key to select multiple images.  Click on Open when you are finished selecting images

h.     You will see the list of images appear above the Select button.  While the system is still uploading the images, there will be a yellow circle next to the image’s filename.  When all files are uploaded, there will be a green circle in front of each filename.

i.        Click on Save Images and Proceed to Edit Page

j.        You can now edit the Titles for the images.  I also recommend that you use the Author’s Image ID to keep track of the original filename of the image so you can find it later.

k.     After you are finished with the edits, click on Save any changes and return to the original page.

l.        You will see the images that are in the gallery. Click on Save updates to image order

m.   Click on Return to Gallery List



a.      Login to the website with your login name and password

b.     Click on My Account -> My Galleries

c.      Find the gallery you created. It may be directly under Member Galleries or it will be under your folder

d.     Click on Edit and Upload Images

e.      Click on Add images from my Image Library

f.        Your Image Library opens, click on Search for Images

g.      Put a check mark next to each image that you want to insert into your Image Gallery.

h.     After making all your selections, click on “Finished Marking Desired Images” at the bottom of the window.

i.        The next window will show you all your selections. Here you can change the order in which the images are shown. If you change the order of the images, you need to click the “Save updates to image order” button. This will save the changes you made insert them into your Gallery in proper order.

j.        Click on “Return to Gallery List”. Here you will see your Image Gallery listed with the number of images you have inserted.

k.     To view your gallery, click on the gallery name and you will see a slide show of the gallery images.



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